Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday Blood Results

We just returned from the hospital and got some good and bad (not too bad!) news concerning Ava's numbers.  The most important number - ANC (indicates white blood cell count) - has gone up from 660 to 915.  This is good news! 

However, her platelets dropped by 10 from 75 to 65.  Dr. Cruz was not concerned and views the uptick in ANC as an excellent sign.  She also approved us to go on our trip/retreat this weekend.  We have a travel letter and strict instructions to get Ava to a hospital if any bleeding occurs, if a fever arises, or if other issues occur. 

Overall, we are very encouraged and are so thankful for all your encouraging words and prayers!  


  1. Oh I am so glad to hear this. Love y'all so much.

  2. Just seeing this new update on the numbers......So good that the white blood cell number is up!! YEA!! And, low platelets goes along with all this, as I well know, and dealt with.......
    Just dropping in to say hello, and to let you know we are still keeping Ava and all the family in our prayers!!!!! :)
    Also, love those smiles she and Lissa are wearing!!!! Take care!!!


1-Year Anniversary of Clear Scans

   This past weekend, we were so grateful to be able to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Ava's clear scans.  It is truly hard to beli...