Tuesday, August 13, 2019

For Our Pray-ers Out There!

Here are is an updated list of things we would love for you to pray about (our send positive thoughts, or whatever you do to send love).  Last time I wrote out a list, our request for a change in living quarters was answered the next day!

1.  Most importantly, please pray for Brinley (above).  She and her family have become dear to ours and she will be facing a much longer and more difficult journey than Ava's.  

(Can I tell you a little bit about Brinley?  She is sassy, and energetic, and friendly, and kind to everyone.  She was one of the first kids we connected with when we were at Tri Delta and is now Ava's good friend.  She loves to color with Ava and they play so well together.  She is precious and we care about her a lot.  And, just take a look at that smile!  We have really grown to love her and her family, in case you can't tell.)

Thank you for praying for our friend.

2.  For safe travels tomorrow for Holly, Ava, and Lissa as they fly home, and for Big Bo as he drives our car full of stuff home.

3.  For re-integration in our home for our family to go smoothly.

4.  For Ava's continued healing from this disease.

With gratitude,


  1. Prayers continue for Ava, for her return home and re-integration, and now also for her friend Brinley.....prayers always for her continued and complete healing!!!!!! andi and david h.

  2. Yes. We’ve got you. Love all the way.

  3. Awe.. I’ll be praying for all!

  4. Praying for these requests and more for y'all


1-Year Anniversary of Clear Scans

   This past weekend, we were so grateful to be able to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Ava's clear scans.  It is truly hard to beli...