Friday, September 27, 2019

Week Update

Ava's bloodwork to follow up this round of chemo revealed that her platelet count is low.  For all the previous rounds, her phosphorous levels have been the problem number, so this is new territory.  We were a little concerned, but know this is a typical response to a 4th round.  This means that her immune system is low and Ava has to wear a mask all the time around people and in public and is not allowed to hug or touch others. 

However, this hasn't kept us from connecting with some friends and showing up for some outdoor school events.  Yesterday, we took Ava to "Tailgate Day" and the walk-a-thon and she was able to see friends.  She was honored to be able to release Ava the Monarch butterfly in front of the whole school.  Both her former school (RSE) and her current school (WSE) have been SO supportive and wonderful.   Our community is amazing.

We will go back next week for more bloodwork and are hoping her platelet levels have recovered by then. 

Overall, this 4th round has hit Ava the hardest.  We can see it in her face, especially around her eyes.  Despite not feeling well, her energy level and appetite are still surprising.  We are so proud of her and grateful for the medical community that has made this journey a "best case." 


1-Year Anniversary of Clear Scans

   This past weekend, we were so grateful to be able to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Ava's clear scans.  It is truly hard to beli...